Street Photography in Depth

Sometimes the terms "street photography" and "candid photography," which refer to photography taken for artistic or scholarly purposes and that focuses on unmediated chance encounters and random incidents taking place in public places, are used interchangeably.

Types of Street Photography

There are two types of Street Photographers. The Fisherman and the Hunter.

A Fisherman seeks to find the perfect composition for a shot, and he will wait patiently for it. This will take a lot of patience.

The Hunter tries to find or, more accurately, shoot that Decisive Moment.

Street Photography Genres

  1. Unobtrusive or Standard

Images shot without intruding into the personal space of the subjects.

Documentary Style.

Photojournalistic style.

2. Intrusive

This is an aggressive style, more courageous than most.

You need to shoot right in the face of the subject.

3. Raw

This is the type where anything goes.

Composition, light, and geometry are usually secondary considerations.

Shoot at anything as it is.

4. Fine Art

A combination of light and shadows.

Tell a Story.

Impact the Viewer.

5. Geometric

Geometric shapes, lines, sharp shadows cast by structures, parallelism, steps, doors, and anything architectural is the major subjects of this work.

6. Smart or Intelligent

You must be really fast.

You must know your camera with your eyes closed.

Be alert all the time.

Always, in search of the Decisive moment.

7. Portraiture

Shooting portraits in an uncontrolled environment.

These can be posed or candid.


Introduction to Working the Scene


Milan ProgresFestival