Milan ProgresFestival

It has been on my mind for quite some time to visit a Street Photography Festival in a European country. I did research on the Venice Street Photography Festival, but the pandemic hit us and it was shelved for when the world goes back to normal.

When in July 2022 I saw that Progressive Street Festival was going to organise the ProgresFestival in Milan, it immediately struck me to go to this festival. When I discussed it with my wife, Therese Agius, she immediately told me to go for it. I immediately started looking for flights and an Airbnb, and finally, I booked the flights and Airbnb from October 4th to October 8th.

When I notified Progressive Street's founder, Batsceba Hardy, when I notified her that I would be in Milan for a few days and attend the festival's opening, she was very pleased with the news.

The judges chose four of the "Solitudes"-themed images that were submitted to be included in the final judgement.

After a few days, Batsceba messaged me, asking me if I wanted to take part in the festival with an interview by Keef Charles about my Double Exposure Project. When I read the message, I was over the moon, and I immediately said yes. Although I used to go and take part in a London Convention, this was something that I wanted to do as it was just a Street Photography Festival. 

Keef Charles sent me an email asking me to send him some images to be shown during the interview. I chose around 20 and sent them to him. Keef Charles sent me the questions that he will be asking me during the interview, so I will be prepared. I also sent him my answers, so he will have an idea of what I will say.

When my wife saw this, she told me that she would be coming with me, and when her boss told her that she could take the days off, I booked her a flight. When the date was nearing, she got bad news from work. They were going to be on stop leave during the days of our visit to Milan. She was really upset, and I was too. I was also very sorry for her, but she told me to go and enjoy myself and make her proud.

One day, I asked my best friend and colleague, Joe Francalanza, if he wanted to come with me. I told him he would only need the flight ticket and spending money. I knew it was a dream of his to travel for just a photography experience. He discussed it with his wife and made the necessary arrangements, and we booked his flight ticket. I was very happy for him and also glad to have someone accompany me.

The judges chose four of the "Solitudes"-themed images that were submitted to be included in the final judgement.

Tuesday, October 4th, 2022, arrived and I met Joe at the airport at 8.30 am as the Ryanair flight to Milan was at 10.20 am. We landed at Milan Malpensa Airport at 12.30 pm and got the bus to Milan Central Station. The journey was around one hour, and we headed to the underground, bought a three-day ticket, and headed to Loreto Station, which was the stop near our Airbnb. We got the keys to the Airbnb from a shop nearby, and we got in. The Airbnb wasn't exactly as we expected, but at least it was clean and the beds were comfortable. After we settled down we went out to buy some toiletries, coffee etc.

We went out to find out where the Galleria Gli Eroici Furori was. We were lucky as the place was nearly on the same street as where we were staying and around 20 minutes' walk, or two stops, from the underground station.

We did some street photography in the area. I saw this guy with a cowboy hat looking into a hat window shop and I went to take this image. The guy saw me and we ended up chatting. He asked me if I was in Milan for the ProgresFestival, and I said yes, and he told me that he was one of the judges of the festival. An unbelievable coincidence. The guy was Michael Dressel.

Then we headed to Piazza Gae Aulenti for some street photography there. When we arrived, we did some Street Photography and some tourist shots, and then we had an Aperol Spritz and a pizza from Porta Garibaldi, and we headed back to the Airbnb.

On Wednesday the 5th of October, 2022, we went out at 6.30 am and headed out to Piazza Duomo for some street photography. We spent nearly all morning here. The shoes and socks that I came with to Milan ruined my feet apart from three blisters, so I went to Decathlon and bought running shoes and some socks to limit the damage to my feet.

We went back to the Airbnb so I could change the shoes and socks, and we decided to go back to Piazza Gae Aulenti as Joe Francalanza wanted to take a photo, which he had been stopped from doing the day before. This time he succeeded.

At around 3.30 pm, we headed to the Galleria Gli Eroici Furori for the opening of the ProgresFestival. Here I met Batsceba Hardy, the founder of Progressive Street from Milan, and Keef Charles from the UK for the first time. I met again with Michael Dressel, who is from the USA, and there were also Richard Bram, an American living in London, and Pia Parolin, from Milan, who lived in Germany and now lives near Nice, France, which I knew from Street Photography Magazine but never met or chatted with. Pia was very kind, and she offered me and Joe to visit her in France and stay at her place. There was also Britta Kohl-Boas from Hamburg, Germany, Niklas Lindskog from Sweden, and the Galleria Gli Eroici Furori owner, Sylvia.

To my surprise, I saw one of my images printed and hanging on the wall, and I was very pleased. Batsceba told me that they printed a photo of each speaker at the festival.

The festival started with an introduction by Keef Charles and Batsceba Hardy and then two great talks by Michael Dressel and Richard Bram. After the talks, I bought the book by Richard Bram, which he also signed for me. I also bought the book by Keef Charles, which he had brought with him specifically for me.

We took a group photo and then headed for dinner at a Ponte Milvio restaurant nearby.

What a great evening it was. I met really great photographers and people, whom I can now call friends.

On Thursday, October 6th, 2022, This morning, we went to Milan | C|E Contemporary to see Keef Charles's exhibition, Brief Encounter. A fantastic exhibition. Rebecca Piva, who was at the gallery, was very helpful and welcoming, and we had a nice chat. She also gave us a Zine by Michael Dressel, which we were very grateful for.

We again went to Piazza Duomo for more Street Photography but I left around noon to go and rest as today was my interview at the festival. Joe remained out and came back to the Airbnb at around 3.30 pm. At 4 pm, we headed to the Galleria Gli Eroici Furori. When we arrived, we were greeted by Keef Charles and Batsceba Hardy. While we were chatting, there was a woman asking who Martin Agius was. They pointed to me, and she came to talk to me and tell me how much she loves my work and that she bought the photo that was in the exhibition for her mum, as her mum also loves my work. She asked me if I could write a dedication and sign it for her mum, and obviously, I accepted. When we got the photo to sign, we found out that the back was black and I couldn’t sign it. We agreed that I would sign it the next day, so they could get a sticker to stick at the back.

Pia Parolin, Niklas Lindskog, Britta Kohl-Boas and a few other people came for Keef Charles and my interview. There was also a woman among the guests, and later I found out that she was doing a talk at the festival as well. Her name was Stefania Lazzari.

Keef Charles started his talk instead of starting with my interview. It was a very interesting and inspiring talk. Then it was my turn. Keef Charles started with a brief introduction of myself, and he started the questions, which I answered. I also did an explanation of some of the images. The interview ended up as an interview and a talk at the same time. I felt that I did pretty well, and afterwards, everyone complimented me and even asked me questions, which really pleased me.

My Talk

Joe Francalazna took some video clips and photos with my iPhone, and he also took some photos with his camera. Britta also took some photos with her mobile, which she sent to me afterwards, and she took a really fantastic photo of me.

Photos by Britta Kohl-Boas


Video shot by Joseph Francalanza with my iPhone 13 Pro Max

Afterwards, we went to eat at the Zoocomunale opposite the gallery. I fully understood why Batsceba and Keef were not able to join us, as they had been working very hard to make this festival a success, especially Batcheba Hardy, for which I am very grateful.

On Friday 7th October 2022, Joe wanted to go to a place he found which was a sort of trade fair, but when we arrived it was closed. So, we headed to Naviglio Grande for some Street Photography. A very beautiful place. We spent a few hours here, and after a coffee, we went to the Magnum Exhibition at the Armani Silos. 

We entered the exhibition and immediately the exhibition struck us. It was well organised and exhibited. What great Magnum photographers’ photos those were. The exhibited works were of Alex Webb – Latin America and the Caribbean, Rene’ Burri - Architecture, Martin Parr – Great Britain, Harry Gruyaert – Shores, Werner Biscof – New York, Olivia Arthur – Dubai, Bruno Barbey – Morocco, NewshaTavakolian – Iran, Gueorgui Pinkhassov – Tokyo and Venice, and Christpher Anderson – China.

After the exhibition, we headed to the City Life Shopping District. A magnificent place with modern high-rise buildings and a shopping mall, we did some Street Photography here as well.

At around 4 pm, I left for the Galleria Gli Eroici Furori for Niklas Lindskog, Britta Kohl-Boas and Anna Lohmann's talks. Joe remained here to continue shooting Street Photography.

I met Anna Lohmann, from Hamburg, Germany, but now living in London, and Nadia Eeckhout, from Ghent, Belgium, for the first time at the gallery.

Niklas's talk really inspired me with his magnificent facial expressions. Britta and Anna's talk was about introducing each other and talking about each other. I learned a lot about them as well. It was also very inspiring.

After the talks, I bought Niklas's book as well.

Before leaving, Batsceba told me that I was part of the Progressive Gang now. This really was a big surprise for me, and I was really happy.

After the talk, Niklas, Britta, Anna, Nadia, and I went for dinner at Rosy e Gabriele Restaurant and Pizzeria.

Saturday, October 8th, 2022, was the last day. We had to get out of the Airbnb by 11 a.m. We wanted to get out earlier so we could go and deposit the luggage at the Bounce Ostello Grande near the Stazione Centrale, where later, we would get the bus to Malpensa Airport and spend the rest of the day going around doing Street Photography for the last time. But unfortunately, the shop where we needed to drop the keys off was going to open at 10 a.m. We decided to go and drop the luggage off early and come back to leave the keys at the shop.

We arrived at the Bounce Ostello Grande and we found out that it was a hotel. We left the luggage, but it was still early to go and drop off the keys. We decided to stay for 45 minutes, going around Stazione Centrale. We got a coffee and a croissant and we went around for some street photography. When the time was up, we went back to the shop and dropped off the keys.

We decided to go to the Saturday Market for some Street Photography as usual. The market was packed apart from the fruit and vegetable part. Although I did take some OK images, I did not enjoy it.

Afterwards, we decided to go to Piazza Duomo and spent the rest of the day there. My wife kept telling me about the Legend of the Luck Bull ( mosaic on the floor of the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. According to legend, spinning around three times with your heel on a specific part of the bull between its two hind legs will bring you good fortune. So I went looking for the bull to grant her wish. I found the bull and there were so many people. Finally, I managed to do it and leave.

I continued on to my last few hours of street photography in Milan.

I met Joe to go and eat something, and we went to eat at Jollibee Milano. The place was packed, and it took a while to get a table, but finally we did.

Afterwards, we continued some street photography, and after a while, we bumped into each other. Joe told me that there was a guy making figurines out of wire, and he had a figurine of a photographer. I went to have a look and bought it. We decided to look for a place for a beer, and we found the Pasticceria Bagala. We asked the waitress which beer she suggested, and she suggested the "Birra Ichnusa non-Filtrata". We ordered it, and it was excellent, and we also got some appetizers.

We left early to go and collect the luggage and get the bus to Malpensa airport. We got the luggage and went to catch the bus, which we were lucky to catch as it left in less than five minutes. We go to the airport after an hour's journey. We passed through the airport security, found a place to have a beer, and ordered the ‘Birra Ichnusa non-Filtrata’ again, waiting for the time to pass as it was still very early. The time came and went to the gate, but we ended up leaving half an hour late.

We arrived in Malta at 10.30 pm, only 10 minutes late. We found my wife, Maria, Joe’s wife, and his son, Jamie, waiting for us. We said hello to them and gave our goodbyes to each other and left.

When I arrived home, I found out that I had a page dedicated to me since I was a guest at the ProgresFestaval. The page included the images I had sent them for my interview/talk and the questions and answers. Again, I was really happy about this.

On Wednesday, October 11th, 2022, I joined Zoom to watch and listen to two talks by Kevin Lim and John Gill, which were organised by ProgresFestival as part of the Festival. They were both very interesting and inspiring talks, especially John Gill's, which really inspired me.

It was the best experience I ever had, and I am already looking forward to next year's one. I will surely visit again, even if I will not be part of it.

Once again, my sincere thanks go to Batsceba Hardy, the founder and mind behind Progressive Street and the Festival. Without her, this wouldn’t have happened. Also, a big thanks to a true gentleman, Keef Charles, for making me feel comfortable and relaxed during the interview. Also thanks to the team at Progressive Street. For the next one, guys.

After the ProgresFestival ended, Batsceba contacted me to tell me what I needed to do to join the Progressive Gang and to send her the material so she could make my page on the Progressive website. What a woman of her word. I can’t express my gratitude to Batsceba.

It is finally official. I am part of the Progressive Street Gang, Thanks to Batsceba Hardy.


Street Photography in Depth


My Street Photography Journey (Part 2)